“Intende” is an adaptive, multichannel, omnichannel chatbot project with self-learning logic.

“Intende” is an adaptive, multichannel, omnichannel chatbot project with self-learning logic.
< Don't let it melt >
Re-mov is a temperature-controlled supply chain management system for food and non-food products that are sensitive to even the slightest change in temperature.
The initiative aims to develop innovative composite materials for the aeronautical sector whose reinforcement will be based on recycled carbon fibers (RCF).
Sinapsi srl
Via di Pettorano, 22 - 73100 Lecce
CF/P.IVA 04822880755
mail info@lesinapsi.it | pec sinapsile@pec.it
tel 0832 665344 | fax 0832 665344
Sede Operativa:
Largo Calvario, 7/B - 73010 San Pietro in Lama (LE)