Safety smart aid system
Safety smart aid system aims to create a system able to support rescuers such as fire department, Civil Defence, specialized operators, etc. in case of fire or other dangerous events, especially when it is necessary to operate in large areas, with different access points and numerous users (schools, offices, public places, entertainment places, etc.).
The overall system includes the following functional blocks:
Environmental monitoring device - to detect environmental parameters (temperature, smoke, flames, movement) of the environments and send them to Middleware platform
Middleware and Business Intelligence platform - to receive, store and process the data collected by the prototype devices in order to generate an alarm for rescuers in case of emergency
Installer Application - to setup the system by associating devices and rooms in the building
Application for rescuers - to view the real-time status of the areas in the building detected by the sensors.
The overall goals of the Project can be summarized as follows:
Design and implementation of a complete solution - a hardware/software system capable of meeting the identified needs and ready to be deployed commercially.
Planning of Living Labs - users will be involved in the different phases of realization of the system and will be able to test it to provide useful feedback to refine and improve the functionality offered by the system itself.
Dissemination of results - organization of workshops, attendance at national and international conferences, submission of papers to journals on topics related to the project and dissemination activities on the web.
The testing will be carried out at least in a pre-school, in a therapeutical community, in a factory with a high number of employees and in a public office of the Municipality of Bari.
To follow the development of the project
Project funded by POR Puglia FESR-FSE 2014-2020 - Axis I "Research, technological development and innovation" - Action 1.4 - Sub Action 1.4b - Public Notice "Innolabs" approved by A.D. n.13/2017, A.D. n.37/2017 and A.D. n.43/2017. Provisional grant with A.D. n.222 of 12/12/2018 for the funding of the project "Smart Aid system for Fire and dangEr situations based on ioT tecnologY" - practice code 6RPCRL1
Eligible Spending: € 86,639.23
Eligible Contribution: € 51.983,54